7-Day Arms Challenge [Bicep Curls Slimming Your Arms]
Bicep Curls for slim your Arms Image source pinterest Whenever you want to find exercises for slimming your arms, it's important to focus on your biceps . Bicep Curls are great for that, and they're easy to do. You need some small weights , and you can start really small if you need to, gradually working your way up to something heavier. 2-3 pounds weights fall right in the middle. Anyway, your back needs to be straight, you hold the weights with your palms facing forward, and you curl each hand to your shoulder. This Challenge is designed for 7 days, but don't stop there! You can easily incorporate these routines into your daily normal workout week once the challenge has ended. After the 7 days The challenge, you can choose two workouts to do each week. Any of these routines can be done easily at home or in the gym. Remember, and follow your routine plan. DIET PLAN is a key role in the fat loss and ul...