Week -3 Diet Plan

image sources:nynutritiongroup.com

Now we are going to follow Week-3 Diet Plan dear readers. 
8:00 am - 2 glass of lukewarm water with honey/lemon. 5 soaked almonds with skin.
1 kali Mirch (black peppercorn)

9: am - 1 glass of milk and a fruit 

11:30 am - one fruit of your wish.(except mango & banana)

1:30 am - 1 bran chappati and any vegetable 

5:00 pm - 1 cup of milk or tea with 2 biscuits / 1 small bowl bhuna channa/ 1 bowl popcorn
(not the buttery act 2 ones but air-popped popcorns without the butter)

7:30 pm - 3 pcs steamed or roasted chicken or fish + salad (non-vegetarians)

Any one of the following for vegetarians:
1. 1 bowl dal + 1 bowl curd + salad 
2. 1 bowl veg + 1 bowl curd + salad 

8:30 pm - one fruit of your wish 


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